Ευχόμαστε ένα καλό και τυχερό 2020 για όλους!
⚡️Ξεκινάμε όμορφα για μια δυνατή χρονιά!⚡️ Κάναμε τον απολογισμό μας για τη χρονιά που πέρασε,...
Ξεκίνησε η υλοποίηση του έργου «Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Αυτόνομης Διαβίωσης και Ασφαλούς Γήρανσης των Ηλικιωμένων»
Ξεκίνησε η υλοποίηση του έργου «Παροχή Υπηρεσιών Αυτόνομης Διαβίωσης και Ασφαλούς Γήρανσης των Ηλικιωμένων» που...
Gnomon Informatics grows thanks to DECIPHER pre-commercial procurement
Gnomon Informatics, a Thessaloniki based SME, is rolling out interoperable e-health management solutions across Europe....
DLT4All Thessaloniki Lab event on Right to Privacy/Property and Smart Contracts
On June 12th SEERC and Gnomon co-organised the DLT4All Thessaloniki Lab covering two of the...
Technical Meeting in Thessaloniki (Blockchain)
The DLT4All consortium partners held the second technical meeting of the project on 20th and 21st June...
CALL FOR TENDERS: External Evaluator for the ERASMUS+ KA2 Project “DLT4ALL”
External Evaluator for the project “DLT4ALL: A Knowledge Alliance for Blockchain in Academic, Entrepreneurial and...
Epione™ – Innovative pain management solution
Epione ™ platform (, an innovative pain management solution that adopts a holistic approach to...
Clinical trials of type 2 diabetes patients management solution
Thessaloniki, 31 January, 2019 – The €756,000.00 offer led by GNOMON INFORMATICS SA was qualified...
Award for Gnomon Informatics SA
Gnomon Informatics SA was awarded on Tuesday, December 4, at the 20th Greek ICT Forum,...
Gnomon and eHealthPass key participants in the largest EU disaster management exercise
We are particularly excited to announce that eHealthPass, successfully facilitated the demonstration and evaluation of...