
General Secretariat of Research and Technology

The SOHealth project attempts to transfer the European know-how of epSOS to Greek reality, which includes one of the most internationally successful e-prescription and electronic patient summary platforms. In this context, cooperative models were explored with the national standardization organizations, based on European and international experience, the current national standardization approach was explored in order to better address the approaches within the EU. The SOHealth project implemented and proposed a series of new innovative services in the field of e-prescription, pharmaceutical and medical history, allowing the secure access to data by both health professionals and patients under EU Directive 24/11 / EC.

Smart open internet services for health (SOHealth)

SoHealth General Secretariat of Research and Technology The SOHealth project attempts to transfer the European know-how of epSOS to Greek reality, which includes one of the most internationally successful e-prescription and electronic patient summary platforms. In this context, cooperative models were explored with the national standardization organizations, based on European and international experience, the current…