
Cyprus Cross border eHealth contract for Gnomon Informatics SA

Gnomon Informatics SA won the contract for cross border eHealth procured by the University of Cyprus. Gnomon Informatics SA will design and implement the electronic interconnection of Cyprus health system to EU infrastructures. This infrastructure is integrated through CEF (Connecting Europe Facility) programme. The objective is to support Cyprus efforts to be part of a secure network allowing the exchange of Patient Summaries and ePrescriptions. University of Cyprus will benefit from Gnomon’s extensive experience in ehealth interoperability. Through this system Cyprus will be able to deliver high quality cross-border healthcare for its citizens living abroad and visiting citizens from other EU Member States. Furthermore, due to the fact of being a tourist destination it’s reasonable to expect that deployment of cross border services will influence on economic growth.

Gnomon Informatics SA is a provider of state of the art internet products and services and has become a significant player in ehealth interoperability throughout Europe ( Gnomon Informatics SA has achieved accurate and prompt standard protocols interoperability by being in the forefront of international standards development by being an active member in IHE Europe, HL7 Greece.

The flagship of the investment actions of Gnomon Informatics S.A., eHealthPass, is a patient-centered solution that gives people a way to manage their health condition. eHealthPass creates bridges between systems and devices (Internet of Things). Based on eHealthPass technology Gnomon achieved final contract of the Decipher PCP project.

Contact person:

Fani Moschou

Gnomon Informatics SA

( 2310 804150 * [email protected])