
Cross border eHealth contract for Gnomon Informatics SA

Thessaloniki, 7 September, 2018 – Gnomon Informatics SA has won a cross border eHealth contract procured by the e-Government Center for Social Security Services (IDIKA SA). The project, which is implemented in the framework of Connecting Europe Facility – CEF TELECOM EU programme, provides specialized cross border healthcare consulting services. It concerns the design and implementation of all cross border ePrescription services issued by the National ePrescription System in pharmacies of another EU country and relatively of those issued by another EU country in Greek pharmacies. The project aims at delivering high quality cross border healthcare services to either the citizens of Greece residing abroad or EU citizens visiting Greece.

More specifically, IDIKA SA will benefit from the experience and the ehealthPassTM platform of Gnomon SA to interconnect our national infrastructures with the National Contact Point for Cross-Border Health using international and open interoperability standards. Once the system is operational, Greece will be able to provide its citizens leaving abroad and to citizens of other EU countries visiting Greece high quality cross border care.

Gnomon Informatics SA is a provider of state of the art internet products and services and has become a significant player in ehealth interoperability throughout Europe ( Similar projects have already been or are in the process of being conducted by members of Gnomon Informatics SA on behalf of eHealth agencies and organisations from Cyprus, Ireland, Malta, Luxembourg, Belgium and Switzerland. Gnomon Informatics SA is a pioneer in e-health interoperability technology in Europe and an active member in IHE Europe and HL7 Greece.

Contact person:

Fani Moschou

Gnomon Informatics SA

+30 2310 804142

[email protected]