
CALL FOR TENDERS: External Evaluator for the ERASMUS+ KA2 Project “DLT4ALL”

External Evaluator for the project “DLT4ALL: A Knowledge Alliance for Blockchain in Academic, Entrepreneurial and Investment Training”, funded under the ERASMUS+ Programme – KA2 Knowledge Alliance for higher education.

The project aims to address the lack of European entrepreneurs, students, angel-investors and incubator managers in understanding and exploiting Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies by co-creating and deploying an innovative curriculum with lean-training and personalized implementation methodology, accompanied by a relevant foresight exercise. For more information on the project click here.

This call is issued by the Consortium of the ERASMUS+ KA2 Project “DLT4ALL”, which intends to commission a contract for the provision of the external evaluation service.

For the invitation to tender and further information, please click here


Invite to tender published and open for submissions 26/07/2019
Deadline to submit tenders 04/08/2019
Winning tender notified 10/08/2019