xShare – Expanding the European EHRxF for Seamless Health Data Exchange

xShare envisions that everyone can share their health data in European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) with a click-of-a-button. The xShare Yellow button to be featured across health portals and patient apps, will allow people to exercise their data portability rights under GDPR. Through xSHARE, the EEHRxF will enable everyone to safely share their health data with a click of the xSHARE button and citizen engagement will be the driver for research as new innovative ways to explore health data will truly realize the vision of the European Health Data Space (EHDS).

By harmonizing structured and coded Electronic Health Records (EHRs) across the EU, xShare seeks to enhance data quality, interoperability, and accessibility, promoting the free movement of digital health services. The initiative also aims to standardize health data formats, ensuring their utility in various sectors, including continuity of care, public health, and clinical research. Furthermore, xShare integrates regulatory and industry stakeholders, establishing the European EHRxF Standards and Policy Hub, which will sustainably support and drive digital health innovations across Europe.

The xSHARE project is a major step toward improving health data interoperability in Europe by expanding the EHRxF. Here, we will focus on three key objectives:

  1. The Policy Hub serves as a central governance body for the harmonization, maintenance, and adoption of the EHRxF. It brings together standards organizations, industry leaders, and regulators to ensure interoperability, support business-driven implementations, and monitor adoption across Europe.
  2. The xShare Yellow Button provides a one-click solution for individuals to securely receive, store, and share their health data in compliance with GDPR. The Data Portability Toolkit ensures structured and coded interoperability, integrating seamlessly with health portals, mobile apps, and EHR systems, empowering citizens to control their medical data.
  3. The xShare framework is being piloted in eight European countries, integrating the xShare Yellow Button within national and regional healthcare ecosystems. These sites serve as testing grounds to validate interoperability, ensure compliance with EHRxF standards, and refine real-world applications for cross-border health data exchange.

GNOMON leads Work Package 3 (WP3) – “Patients’ Right to Data Portability: the Case of Continuity of Care”, which focuses on developing the xShare Yellow Button Data Portability Toolkit and ensuring its seamless implementation across the eight adoption sites. As part of this role, GNOMON will implement the xShare Yellow Button in Greece and Ireland, ensuring its integration with national EHR systems and enabling GDPR-compliant health data exchange. In addition to its technical contributions, GNOMON collaborates with health authorities, industry stakeholders, and regulators to drive adoption and long-term sustainability. As a key partner in the European EHRxF Standards and Policy Hub, GNOMON also plays a role in shaping the technical and policy framework for digital health interoperability across Europe!

For more information, please contact:

Argiris Gkogkidis

R&D Project Manager

Gnomon Informatics SA

[email protected]


Funding Source: European Union
Programme: HORIZON-HLTH-2023-IND-06
Reference: 101136734

xShare – Expanding the European EHRxF for Seamless Health Data Exchange xShare envisions that everyone can share their health data in European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF) with a click-of-a-button. The xShare Yellow button to be featured across health portals and patient apps, will allow people to exercise their data portability rights under GDPR….