i2X – Intelligent Implementations of the European EHR Exchange Format
The European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF or X-Format), as put forward by the Regulation on the European Health Data Space sits at the core of primary use and is key to secondary use of health data. Without an EU-wide range of in-service demonstrators of X-Format use it does not “really exist”. This needs intelligent approaches to implementation through well-adapted IT-solutions and a multidisciplinary health professionals positive experience.
The i2X project has the overall goal of showcasing in-service, sustainable implementation of the X-Format, in all its data priority categories, in over 13 healthcare settings in 12 Member States involving more 40 partners. It aims to demonstrate that the EEHRxF improves individuals’ health and care journeys, without introducing undue burden on health professionals and systems. The main result will be 40 real-world in-service demonstrators that can inspire and guide all others to adopt the EEHRxF, improve adoption efficiency and produce lessons learned. Real world demonstrators that result from industry-driven and health and care organizations and professionals lead digital transformation that adds value.
This is an “implementation” project, where experimentation is encouraged in real life settings to demonstrate new/easier ways for data capturing and reprocessing aligned with format specifications and how patients are cared for. Making use of a set of advanced digital technologies that ease health professionals use of data i2X learn from its demonstrators and provide recommendations for pecifications and policy, while promoting standards alignment, wider awareness, and opportunities for non-partner organizations to also be early X-format adopters.
I2X relates to open innovation policy and implementation of MyHealth@EU services. It will build on previous projects and ongoing parallel EU initiatives such as Xt-EHR, XpanDH, xShare, while exploring synergies with other relevant merging consortia.
For more information please contact:
Dr.Apostolia Karabatea
R&D Project Manager
Gnomon Informatics SA
i2X – Intelligent Implementations of the European EHR Exchange Format The European Electronic Health Record Exchange Format (EEHRxF or X-Format), as put forward by the Regulation on the European Health Data Space sits at the core of primary use and is key to secondary use of health data. Without an EU-wide range of in-service demonstrators…